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This booklet not only features prayers that can be used up to and on Augustine's feast day on August 28, but also includes Augustine-themed devotions that can be used year-round, including morning and evening prayers, a prayer before Confession, and a Prayer to Our Lord in His Passion and death.
* Morning Prayers from the Augustinian Order
* The Office of the Serotina (Evening Prayers of the Augustinian Order)
* Commemorations of Saint Augustine and Monica
* The Triduum of Saint Augustine
* Two Prayers to Saint Augustine
* Prayer before Confession, and the Prayer to Our Lord in His Passion and Death, both written by St. Augustine
* Triduum in Honor of Saint Monica
* Rosary of Saint Augustine and Saint Monica
* Litany of the Three Patrons of the Archconfraternity of the Cincture of Saints Augustine and Monica
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