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  • Retablo San Peregrin Pocket Saint

Retablo San Peregrin Pocket Saint

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The Retablo, or ʻboard behind the altarʼ art form, was originally created in New Mexico in the 1800ʼs, and has been handed down the generations to this day. Lynn Garlick has created this unique two sided icon of St Peregrine, the Patron of Cancer.

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Backside reads: "Oh Holy San Peregrin, patron saint of Cancer, you endured painful cancer in your leg with such patience, fortitude and faith that you were cured by the touch of His divine hand. I humbly ask of you to intercede for me at the Throne of Divine Mercy, bringing me peace and healing in my hour of need."


Peregrin was born to a wealthy family in the 1200's and he became a political activist. He was anti-papal Guelph and in favor of the Imperials. When a papal legate came to town, Peregrine punched him in the nose. The man turned the other cheek. Peregrine was overcome by this gesture. He ended up joining the servite order. In penance for his past, he did not sit down for 30 years. He had a reputation of being a good confessor and great preacher. Later in his life he developed cancer in the leg. The night before they were to amputate his leg, he prayed that Christ would come down off the cross and heal him. 

Dimensions: 2.5" H X 1.5"W


saint peregrine / san peregrino
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